Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Did the UK government vote for a cover-up in the Westminster child sex abuse inquiry?

The elite corridors of Westminster are under investigation for alleged historic child sex abuse. Accusations of institutional peadophilia dating back over 40 years have been made by a number of anonymous sources. Furthermore many of the police witnesses involved are on record with suggestions of a cover-up by the establishment. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is investigating.

Cyril Smith
Cyril Smith, deceased. One of the accused.

Meanwhile, the coalition government of the Conservatives and Lib Dems have launched the Child Sex Abuse (CSA) inquiry and made great proclamations of following where the evidence leads. This is overshadowed by the Official Secrets Act (OSA) which is cited by police officers as a block on the truth, although they themselves might be guilty of investigation errors.

In response to this Labour MP John Mann tabled an amendment to OSA to protect whistle blowers. In the following parliament vote the amendment was defeated. How MPs voted can be found here.

Dolphin Square estate, Westminster, London, The centre of the alleged abuses

The coalition government in the face of public pressure seemed to closed ranks. All those against a transparent inquiry were either Conservative or Lib Dem, although not exclusively with 8 and 3 rebelling against their parties.

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Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Murdered muslims are not a concern for US police and news

Time Chapel Hill terrorist cover

It might have escaped the attention of many but about a month ago (Feb 2015) a white gunman murdered 3 muslims in the US college town of Chapel Hill.

Many agreed there was very little media coverage especially when usually many are so robust in their quest to expose and report on extremism in far off lands. Here they were relatively muted with this attack on American soil.

The police played their part by parroting the killer's wife Karen Hicks guess that the murder was a parking dispute despite the absence of any offending vehicles on that day. Even the Hicks' lawyer said 'Nobody knows'.

Why let facts get in the way of speculation.

Of course the media pandered to their authority and soon Facebook algorithms were playing their part in the misinformation:

Facebook Chapel Hill terrorist news parking

What we do know that the gunman was a self-confessed atheist and the victims were concerned about him as he openly showed his weapon in encounters and they were all shot in the head - like an execution. There are many, many persuasive cases that this went beyond a petty dispute, terrorism perhaps or at the very least a hate crime. Compare these pieces with the angle from a Murdoch-owned outfit.

Let's also remember there would be no measured responses over the question of terrorism if Craig Hicks were a muslim.

Terrorist muslim shooter cartoon

The authorities have recognised the seriousness of the facts, although the death penalty does nothing for a decent society and is only a deterrent as a simplistic myth.

And just a month after Chapel Hill an Iraqi who escaped ISIS only to be gunned down in 'the land of the free', asks more questions of its culture of hostility.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

UK election: The agenda of the tory press

The mainstream media seem to be constructing a narrative that Miliband and his party are failing to connect with voters.

Labour Miliband Telegraph media

Labour Miliband media newspaperLabour Miliband Daily Mail Montgomerie media

Labour have their issues but the claims are so strong that if it was true, the tories would be capitalising, Cameron can go on looking flash at PMQs, having good economic news and be supported by a friendly media - yet a 2015 Poll of Polls shows Labour mostly out-performing their rivals despite the propaganda:

MAY2015 Poll of Polls

This could be further evidence, if any were needed, that alternative sources of media have eroded the dominance of the establishment and that the rhetoric from them is increasingly out of step with the reality of their lives.

Growing UK inequality will surely only strengthen the Labour vote. There are an increasing amount of workers who are either self-employed, on low incomes, zero-hours contract or workfare.

And ultimately it's one person, one vote no matter the size of the wallet.